Sunday 6 January 2013

Now in Auckland

Hello Everyone:
Just wanted you to know we have safely arrived in New Zealand today - Monday January 7th. "Ahead of you, as usual" as Dad would say :-)
Our stay in Fiji was interesting. It was hot and humid but the people were most friendly. Our accommodations were "interesting" also, but we managed to get over our jet-lag and did a bit of a walk-about in Nadi and on the beach.
We are now settled in Bianco off Queens in Auckland and have internet access over the next few days so will try to post one entry and photo per day, that is if we are not too busy touring. Dan and Brenda say hello to their family too!
Take care, eh mate!
Fran and clan



  1. Glad you made it... We were wondering when we were going to get an update. Be safe, have fun, eat lots, drink enough and DON'T get hurt!



    Kevin and Leah

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hey hope Danny is feeling better. Have fun and take lots of pictures. BTW it is -20 in North Bay this morning!

  4. Good to hear from you Fran. Hello to all.
