Wednesday 13 February 2013

Farewell New Zealand

This is a final post. We have arrived safely in Auckland and will fly out early tomorrow for Fiji and then on to LA. That is where we will say our good-byes to Dan and Brenda and go our separate ways. To all who followed our blog has been an amazing trip! We will touch base when we get home! Fran and Terry

Farewell to the Coromandel Forest

The Cove Part Four

The Cove Part Three

Tuesday 12 February 2013

The Cove Part One

The Cove Part Two

Great surf

Climb to Cathedral Cove

Terry and Fran's Private? Spa

Hot Water Beach

Hot underground springs heat the water that mixes with the Pacific Ocean. People dig holes, build sand walls and create personal hot tubs with waters at 64 degrees that is hot!

Tues. Feb. 12 Waihia Beach

On a drive to the north east coast of NZ, called the Coromandel Region.

Final View

Today is our last "touring" day. Tomorrow we drive to Auckland and return our rental car. Next it is time to reorganize our cases and weigh them (ouch)! We fly out very early Thurs....almost time to close the blog and this wonderful 2013 Adventure...but you never know there may be one more photo that needs to be posted to show others the beauty of this amazing country! Thanks to all who read and commented on our blog!


Driving Home through the Coromandel Forest Reserve

At the Cove

The Cathedral...only accessible at low tide

Next Adventure - Cathedral Cove

Terry and Fran's New Neighbours

Awesome Beach

Hot Water Beach

And I mean really hot, the hottest stream is 64 degrees C and it pumps out 10-15 litres per minute. All these people are digging holes in the sand to build their own "hot tubs"!


Today we left Tauranga to explore the north east corner of NZ. This is known as the Coromandel Peninsula.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Mon. Feb. 11 Dinner at Brooklyn

No not New York... Still Tauranga but a lovely dinner out, over-looking the harbour.

Coastal Walk

Terry and I did a coastal walk and explored Moturiki while Dan and Brenda combined window shopping with their coastal walk. We are all reflecting and sharing various perspectives from our NZ adventure, which ends this week. As the kiwis say...."sweet as.."

The View from Moturiki

Moturiki is a small island just off the coast and within walking distance of the town. Fun to explore even if I did get a soaker with the rise of the tides....another great beach view!

Mount Maunganui

After settling into our apartment we went downtown Tauranga for lunch and then drove across the bridge to the town of Mount Maunganui to do a walk-about there...beautiful beaches, on yet another beautiful day!

Mon. Feb. 11 Safe Arrival Tauranga

Saturday 9 February 2013

Farewell Napier

We were again surprised to come upon an afternoon concert in the park. This one highlighted the understated ukuele. Lots of fun watching the little ones dance.

We leave Napier and head to Tauranga tomorrow, our last official NZ stop. Is that possible?

Sunday Feb. 10

Another great day with sunny skies. Terry and I visited the Ocean Spa to soak in the hot tubs and soak up the sun. Dan and Brenda did the coastal walk and we connected with them later that afternoon.

Wine anyone...Hawke's Bay is renowned for its wines!

Sun. Feb. 10 Visit to Mission Estate Winery

Started by a Catholic order of priests in 1851 ... Making it the oldest winery in NZ. Still an active wine producer with a beautifully restored house, chapel (now used for functions), and gardens.

Connection to Church

The View from Cape Kidnappers

As close as you get without paying!

Last Stop Saturday

Dan wanted to see Cape Kidnappers Golf course, one of the top 40 in the world. It was an 8 km drive through private property just to get to the pro shop. Exclusive is a is expensive!!

Aquarium Guest - Taratua ancestor of the ancient dinosaur

NZ's National Bird The Kiwi

At the aquarium we were lucky to catch this nocturnal creature at feeding time...great opportunity to see this shy bird.

Sat. next Stop National Aquarium

This is an awesome experience because in the Oceania Exhibit you walk through the tank and the sharks, fish, stingray and tank divers swim around you.

Sat. Feb. 9 Pipe and Drum Competition

Saturday we wondered through Napier town centre to visit the market and were surprised by several pipe bands from across NZ competing. Street level intelligence revealed this is an annual event celebrating NZ's Scottish heritage (in the neighbourhood of 50 percent)...and proud of it!

Thursday 7 February 2013

Safe Arrival in Napier

Fri. Feb. 8 Lunch in Lake Taupo - Just passing through...

Fri. Feb 8 Farewell New Plymouth and Taranaka Region

Beautiful Gardens

Pukeiti Gardens

This is the giant Rata tree... Look at the base and you might spot Dan.

Walk and views of Mount Taranaka

Thurs Feb 7 Coastal Walk

It looks peaceful and serene but the night we arrived everything was shut down as they were on tsunami alert! No worries!

Walk Warnings

Wed. Feb. 6 drive to New Plymouth

As we got closer to New Plymouth we could see Mount Taranga in the distance.

Wed. Feb. 6 passing through the Queen Charlotte Straits

Harbour at Picton Wed. Feb. 6

We had a relatively smooth crossing - although they warned us it could be rough as we entered the Cook Strait.

Monday 4 February 2013

Picton Harbour

Here is where we sail from tomorrow, back to Windy Wellington. Our InterIsland Ferry is in the background. Today's crossing was very very rough so we will hope it all calms down by tomorrow. Will send update on Feb. 7th once we are settled into New Plymouth.

Feb. 5th.... Happy Birthday Leah!

Someone was watching us!

Learned a little more about the Maori culture and defence systems.